Ted Rogers Finance Society

Educate, Enrich, Inspire

About Us

Founded in 2003, Ted Rogers Finance Society (TRFS) is the premier campus resource for finance students. Within TRFS, we believe that in order to reach your potential you must know how to be a business leader. This life lesson is not just taught in a classroom, which is why TRFS challenges students to participate in our initiatives. Our outstanding members organize events that create opportunities for like-minded students to exchange ideas and information with industry professionals. As student leaders, we pride ourselves on guiding our peers to achieve their true potential. We seek to spread our drive and determination throughout the Ted Rogers School of Management.

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How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) are Revolutionized Digital Working Groups

| Business | No Comments
DAO stands for Decentralized Autonomous Organization. At a high level, a DAO is an internet-native organization managed by a community through a transparent decision-making process. In contrast to the top-down…

Rising Interests Rates Caused By Increasing Treasury Yields Brings a Rough Week For Investors

| Stocks | No Comments
Treasury yield is defined as the return on investment in the form of a percentage on the U.S. government’s debt obligations. Essentially, it is the effective interest rate that the…

Why Companies are Cutting Out Banks and Helping Customers Buy Now, and Pay Later

| Business | No Comments
Embedded Finance, also known as “Point-of-sale (POS) financing services” has grown significantly over the past two years, diverting $8 billion to $10 billion in annual revenue away from banks.¹ Although…